Our Resource

Our Resource

Resource with ADLAW are the factor leverages it to accomplish a goal and to carry out the activities at ADLAW. In short, these are the components that our business needs in order to do business.Sucess of any corporate revolves around the right resources to leverage business sucess. Yes, not all resources are the same, but the righ resouces that ADLAW has.

The resources that ADLAW aquires is effective staff with necessary infrastructure support for marketing, operations, finance as well as the product development to provide the service to our customers.

To serve the legal fraternity we have high high end IT infracture that back our quality IT staff. SInce ADLAW is an amalgamation of IT and Legal service we also have experianced advocates for guiden in systems and the requirement of the Legal fraternity.

Our business model to serve the legal fraternity is supported by our resources. The resource of ADLAW is our treasure. This enables us to innovate and competive in the competitive market. Our resources are summarized as following resources

Every business pivots around with the finacial support "Money"  for various types of operatins. Another term for money is capital. For all of the following listed operation in ADLAW is backed by a 400 Crore group "Laxyo Grooup of Industries". ADLAW is Zero Liability with finacial supports that has set the compay business off the ground. The Finacial Resorce supporst the following operations

  1. Branding Staff : Involved in various graphice and design works used for various promotional and marketing activities
  2. Office Infrastructure : Self owned office with ergonomically designed furniture and office equipment.
  3. Web Infrastructure : Dedicated Linux based server in High End Data Center in USA.
  4. Employees : IT staff, Legal Staff, MArketing team and a research team
  5. Expenses : travel, meetings, food, hotels…
  6. Project Management Tools : High end softwares and Platforms for development.
  7. Marketing : The Marketing is a mix use comprising of.
  • Chatbots
  • Web analytics
  • PR
  • SEO
  • Webinars
  • Content Marketing


The physical assets as a tangible resources that a ADLAW uses to create its value proposition, as listed:

Equipment : supported with all requiremnt IT infractures with self owned dedicated server.
Buildings Self 4000 SFTT of floor space for all the operation work
Development Center  : Supported by qualified Stafff for suporting IT,HR,Markering and the associate activities
Marketing Networks : marketing Offices in Various Cities for local support